3MW: Big Adventures In A White Desert
A series of 4x 3 minutes films for Channel 4's '3 Minute Wonder' strand about an expedition to the South Pole by 3 Explorers using Kite Skis.
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Memorial Film
This film project was an epic undertaking: every movie and notable stage performance in this persons career was digitised along with their home movies, photographs and TV appearances to create a celebration of their life. The collection of films were screened at memorial services held in New York and London.
Editorial Design, Film

Days That Shook The World (S2 Ep6)
Conspiracy To Kill
Two failed assassination attempts: Adolf Hitler on the 20th July 1944 and President Charles de Gaulle on the 22nd August 1962.

New Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors

Ross Bradley 2024 Edit Showreel
Highlights from some of the projects I've worked on in recent years.
Editorial Design, Film

Elizabeth 1: Ep3 Death of a Dynasty
A scripted drama-doc series about the Tudor queen starring Lily Cole and Felicity Dean. This episode focuses on the end of her reign covering the Spanish Armada and the rise and fall of the Earl of Essex.

Planet Earth 3
Editorial Design, Film

Barbarians Rising: Ep4 Ruin
Alaric's Goths sack Rome; Attila the Hun seizes power through chaos and destruction while the barbarians move in for the kill. The Vandal king, Geiseric, masterminds the end of Rome; the Empire falls.

Animal Farm (Ep3)
Animal Farm: Arrival of the Clones

2008 Ross Bradley Edit Showreel
A section of the projects I've worked on up to 2008.
Editorial Design, Film

Operation Crossbow
The heroic tales of World War II are legendary, but Operation Crossbow is a little known story that deserves to join the hall of fame: how the Allies used 3D photos to thwart the Nazis' weapons of mass destruction before they could obliterate Britain.