This pop promo was made on the eye-watering budget of zero pounds. Even though it doesn’t look it now, in 2007 this was a fairly complicated video to make. Shot entirely on a Sony P170 in DVCAM, it was hand rotoscoped in After Effects on the living room floor of my flat in West London as I didn't own a desk. The rendering nearly made my antique Apple Mac melt. Trying to explain what a 10-hour render was to the band’s manager was like speaking in double-dutch and all I seem of remember him saying repeatedly was ‘it needs to be more brown.’
Needless to say the manager was a complete dick, but the band were a great bunch of lads and they had talent. Their music reminded me of early Stone Roses tracks. Another great plus for me was that video itself was also filmed at the legendary rehearsal rooms in Stourbridge where my childhood heroes, The Wonder Stuff once practiced. Not only that but the same room was used to film ‘Who Wants To Be The Disco King’ pop promo some 18 years earlier. By the time I got to the venue it was in a rather sorry state and was about to be demolished, but it was fun to film in the same spot as the Wonder Stuff and other Stourbrige legends Ned’s Atomic Dustbin and Pop Will Eat Itself once rehearsed.
Looking back at this now, It just goes to show how luck still plays a great part in anyone’s career: the band did secure some success in Japan under the new name of the Subkicks but with a dodgy manager and his water-tight contract, unfortunately any chance of them hitting the big time faded as quickly as his promise to me of me making more pop promos for EMI…
*The promo actually cost me £20 because I felt so sorry for the impoverished band (who were still hadn't be paid and were claiming the dole), I actually took them to lunch at the local pub during filming.

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2015 Ross Bradley Edit Showreel
A section of the projects I've worked on.
Editorial Design, Film
Bear's Wild Weekend: Jonathan Ross
Bear Grylls takes Jonathan Ross on a jungle trek, fast roping from a helicopter, and down an active volcano before well-deserved sleep, in a cave in a steep cliff face.
Last Woman Standing (Ep6)
Five athletic adventurers from the west compete for glory against tribal champions in some of the remotest corners of the globe, with the ultimate aim of being crowned the last woman standing. They have just a week to master an indigenous sport, training and rituals whilst eating and sleeping as their fellow competitors do.
Anne Boleyn: Arrest, Trial & Execution (Ep1)
Tracy Borman delves into the incredible story of Henry VIII's second wife.
Days That Shook The World (S2 Ep6)
Conspiracy To Kill Two failed assassination attempts: Adolf Hitler on the 20th July 1944 and President Charles de Gaulle on the 22nd August 1962.
CleanStreets CIC
A series of online campaign films to raise awareness of how bad smoking related litter is for our environment. We also created shorter specific films in portrait mode for better integration with social media.
Editorial Design, Film
The Hotel (S7 Ep7)
Real-life Fawlty Towers following the exploits of hapless hotelier-turned-events manager Mark Jenkins.
Pompeii: The Mystery of the People Frozen in Time
The city of Pompeii uniquely captures the public's imagination - in AD79 a legendary volcanic disaster left its citizens preserved in ashes to this very day. Yet no-one has been able to unravel the full story that is at the heart of our fascination - how did those bodies become frozen in time?
Days That Shook The World (S1 Ep10)
Years before the attacks on the World Trade Centre, two world shaking incidents had demonstrated commercial aeroplanes uneasy relationship with terrorism. The programme investigates the world’s biggest hi-jacking in Jordan in 1970 and Lockerbie; Britain’s worst air disaster, on the 21st December 1988.
Web Of Lies: S2 Ep1 Lone Rider
Autumn Pasquale, 12, loves her new BMX and networks with fellow fans online for tips and tricks to deck it out. But on Homecoming Day 2012, Autumn - and her beloved new bike - go missing. A trail is left behind on Facebook, but where will it lead?
Editorial Design, Film
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