Originally planned to be a 15 - 20 minute narrative film called Doppelgänger, this series tracks the highs and lows of the films creator, Ross Bradley, over a 5 years period.
The Initial euphoria of success is short lived with the collapse of Doppelgänger in 2011, turning into a determined bloody-minded slog, with a project re-boot to a new film called Rocket Rider. Highlighting many aspects of film production, this series is provides an interesting insight in what you should and shouldn't do when making a film.
Episode 1 tells the story of the original idea called Doppelgänger and why the project want so badly wrong...
Episode 2 starts in 2012 with the re-boot of the failed Doppelgänger project into a new action sequence called Rocket Rider. Now focusing on just one sequence from the original story, the camera and visual effects tests can begin. Will director Ross Bradley finally be able achieve his vision?
Episode 3 begins in the world's smallest blue screen studio (a single garage in Worcestershire, UK), but soon Rocket Rider begins to take shape. With phase one of the filming complete, filmmaker Ross Bradley then has to learn how to complete the film's 99 visual effect shots. Will he be able to learn VFX fast enough to complete the film?